CFA Society Singapore IBF Accredited Programme

CFA Society Singapore

IBF Accredited Programme

As an accredited IBF training provider, CFA Society Singapore developed various IBF accredited programmes for the financial services and investment management industry since 2009. In this regard, CFA Society Singapore owns the exclusive rights for the CFA Singapore Preparatory Programmes for CFA Levels 1, 2 and 3. These programmes are accredited under the Institute of Banking and Finance Singapore Standards Training Scheme (IBF-STS).

Please be informed that CFA Society Singapore is now in the process of curating our own in-house resources and capabilities to prepare students enrolling on the CFA Singapore Preparatory Programmes. We are working with the relevant subject matter experts (including senior CFA charterholders, faculty from an Institute of Higher Learning and IBF) to develop our unique training pedagogy which will combine the best of both worlds from the industry and academia.

We appeal to your patience and we be in touch soon when we are ready to launch our new programmes.

In the meantime, to register your interest, please write to us at [email protected]

IBF Standards Training Scheme (IBF-STS)

This programme has been accredited under the IBF Standards, and is eligible for funding under the IBF Standards Training Scheme (IBF-STS), subject to all eligibility criteria being met.

IBF-STS provides 50% funding for direct training costs, subject to a cap of S$3,000 per candidate per programme, for all Singaporeans and Singapore PRs who are physically based in Singapore. Singapore Citizens aged 40 years old and above will be eligible for 70% co-funding of direct training costs.

For more information on funding, IBF Certification and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements, please visit

Who is eligible?

Self-sponsored Individuals

Non Company-sponsored participants are required to be Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents physically based in Singapore.

Company-sponsored Individuals

Company-Sponsored participants are required to be Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents, physically based in Singapore and staff of Singapore-based financial sector entities being sponsored for the programmes.

Reimbursement of fund is subject to assessment and meeting minimum attendance requirements. 
Duration of each assessment ranges from 1.5 hours to 3 hours, and number of assessments are at the discretion of CFA Society Singapore

About IBF Standards

The IBF Standards are a set of competency standards for financial skills.  It is a comprehensive quality assurance framework with both an accreditation and a certification system. Developed by the industry, for the industry, the IBF Standards are benchmarked against international standards.  They currently cover 13 industry segments in the financial sector.  Financial institutions and training providers may apply for their programmes to be accredited under any of these IBF Standards.

Training programmes may be accredited under three levels: IBF Level 1, IBF Level 2, IBF Level 3. Individuals who successfully complete an IBF accredited programme will be eligible for the relevant IBF Certification.

IBF Qualification

IBF Qualified

This Certification Title describes its holder as a new entrant who is equipped with broad-based capabilities and foundation competencies to be ready to undertake new roles. It is certified via IBF Level 1 Programmes.